I exactly 💯 know what you are talking about... I feel the same in the moment with also two businesses running 🏃‍♀️ ... and being in the stage of downsizing!

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Hey Andi thanks for sharing your work! It resonated with me a lot. I also have had my share of “i have no clue what to do” and “I want to do it all”. As a creative strategist i find it easier for me to build other people’s dreams and brands than my own. And the entrepreneurial path is not an easy one for sure. I share some of my insights, stories and learnings here on substack too. I look forward to reading more of your work🥂

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I totally get it! Yesterday, I talked with an entrepreneur friend about the same thing: it's so much easier to see the blind spots in others' businesses and help them than to do the same in our own brands. I just subscribed on your publication :)

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Thank you! I really hope you enjoy the read !

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Less is more… not trying to be evening to everyone and being clear about who you are and what makes your approach unique, are my holy grail from this post 👌🏾

It can be especially difficult staying focused when there’s so much more you can do and everyone else is doing it and making more progress than you

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I like this idea of (carefully) chosen constraints! I am at a similar point right now with how I want to set the focus for my Substack and I do have quite a few scattered and half-baked ideas accumulated. But something tells me, to let go of them. So maybe, I should follow that nudge and see which are actually the things I want to focus my efforts.

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Focus is powerful! I need to practice it every day because my mind tends to wander :) It's great to explore different ideas, but eventually, we have to choose a direction and stick with it.

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Phew, I am glad you mention that you as well have to practice it each day 😂

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